Demonstrable demographics

After reading many of my classmates’ blogs, I came to the conclusion that ads affect females differently than they affect males. Females are much more worried about their appearance than males, while males are more focused on what is happening in sports, what’s the newest video game or system and even the biggest and best car/ truck for the upcoming year. Females want to look their best physically, while men want to own the best things and therefore ads will appeal to each gender differently, Another blogger made a good point when she said, “Everything about us is created by society” (1) We display our gender to our peers by listening to what society deems as proper for our specific gender.

My Fellow blogger Patrick brings the following point to our attention “If you have noticed the newspapers are split up into sections that are more appealing to males or females.”(2) Not only are males and females segregated by gender, but by what ads we are attracted to and respond to. This doesn’t only happen in newspapers but in many different forms of portraying ads such as television. On the SPEED channel there will not be commercials about baking and shopping, rather commercials about cars and recreational activities. Patrick and I agreed on the hailing strategies that ads have towards a specific gender and this makes my particular demographic that much more understandable because I realize that is segregates females from males making my particular demographic group that much more concrete in its description.

After reading my classmates blogs, I realized the negative affect that hailing has on us as young adults. The hailing process makes us change our idea of beauty and forms it into what society want it to be. I could not agree more with Madison when she states in her blog that “It is unfortunate that the media has this amount of control over us, but we are willing to ‘enhance’ the way we look, in order to fit into our gender roles, and come across as attractive.” (3) It helps to further concrete my idea of how teenaged girls want to be beautiful and ads use this to their advantage to pull in females to purchase their product.

As a daily receiver of this type of media I feel as if I am trapped within the ads. When a new ad is presented to me, I am immediately interested in what it has to offer my particular demographic and it appears that my peers feel the same way. Media has obviously figured out the proper way to hail each particular demographic.





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